Giving Back 101. Where to start, what to do, and how to kick ass along the way, plus the top 3 myths difference makers make and how to bust right through ‘em.
On a mission to brighten the world through creating more love, compassion, and understanding, Gia brings her down-to-earth, coffee with your BFF style to every Get Your Heart On® talk she gives. It’s almost impossible for audiences not to be affected by her enthusiasm, powerful stories, and motivational messages that invite action for those with a big heart. Looking for passion, heartfelt inspiration, and fun with a whole lotta zip? Gia’s your girl.
Keynote, Guest, panelist Q + A, workshop leader, wanna be DJ. I dig it all.
Nothing fires me up more than being in a room (no matter how big or small) full of big-hearted people who wanna make a difference in the world. Seriously, I get root-tootin’ excited and sometimes I even bring my pom-poms! Just kidding, not really.
Real Talk. Inspirational Stories. Actionable takeaways. During our time together, I promise to show up with 110% enthusiasm and to give you everything I got. I will deliver and then some.
Hit me up (hello AT giaduke DOT com), lets talk about what kind of event, workshop or group you’ve got and I’ll put something together that’s perfect for all of you. Here’s a few ideas to get the wheel spinnin’.
Make any Project a Hit! Simple and effective ways to spread the word, raise funds and get your message out there so people will have no choice but to jump on in and cheer right alongside you!
Kickass with Confidence. How to stay out of your own way : Avoid the 6 most common mistakes so you can create the difference you set out to make.
When Life Happens. How to take care of yourself while taking care of others. You know, without the burn-out and struggle. (Wouldn’t that be nice?)
The Igniter: How to get re-inspired to keep doing your heart-work when your passion fades and your fire is dimly lit.
As a passionate humanitarian, Gia has founded a nonprofit for foster youth, has done aid work in Africa and worked directly with animal rescue organizations. Find out more about Gia here!