While we’re more wired to think about helping others, we’ve gotta make sure to take time to also work on our personal goals/resolutions to help us get to where we want to go and grow right?!
And since we make our own rules around here what do you say to a New Years Reboot?! Are you ready? — Heck to the YEAH!!
Push play
Cheers! :)gia
P.S. Don’t forget to get your very own copy of THE KICKSTART LISTprintable FREE DOWNLOAD that I made it just for you! – YAY!
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/16.-New-Years-features-.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-03-07 05:12:002020-03-09 05:21:54Episode 16. Happy New Year! - Take Two
You’re ready to get out there and make a difference – but seriously – where do you start? And, how do you make it fit into your lifestyle with the time and resources you have right now?
I’m so happy you asked and I’m so excited to share this Kickstart list with you to get that big heart of yours outta your head and into action!
Cuz, there’s nothing I’m more fired up about than helping you make a difference in your own way and I’ll do whatever I can to help you make that happen.
Then I think you’ll love my book, Get Your Heart On – The How-To Guide For People Who Want To Make A Difference. You can grab a copy here.
Big Hugs, gia
And make sure to hit me up on IG, FB or pop me a note and let me know what you did! YAY! I can’t wait to hear from you!
P.S. Here’s my friend Michelle’s beautiful snack basket she made that I mentioned in this episode. So inspiring right?! Thank you for your big heart Michelle and for sharing with us.
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/15.-Kickstart-list-Podcast-blog-features-.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-02-28 08:39:462020-02-28 09:02:50Episode 15. Get Your Heart On // The Kickstart List - GET IT!
This episode is all about the 101 of Making a Difference and what I call Heart-Work. We’re also gonna dive deeper into who we are and how we choose to show up in the world day-to-day.
Did you know it’s a choice? You bet it is!
Make sure to stick around all the way to the end so you catch the one simple, yet powerful call to action, I think you’ll want to get in on. Push Play.
Ok, off you go! And let me what you decide to do and how it goes! Feel free to message me or post in the comments below.
As promised here’s a photo of the cherry blossom tree I was talking about. Isn’t it beautiful?! They make me smile, how about you?
Super (early) Spring Hugs, :)gia
P.S. Don’t forget to sign up to get episodes delivered straight to your inbox and to join my big-hearted community. YAY!
That’s right it’s…Valentine’s Day! Or just another “Hallmark Holiday” as my brother would say. Of course, I love it not because of the chocolate, roses or romance but because of what it represents to me: Sharing Love. Spreading Love.
The only problem with this holiday/ month is that not everyone has someone to share it with. The good news is…we can do something about that. And it doesn’t matter if it Valentine’s Day or not.
In this episode, I want to invite you to join me in spreadin’ some LOVE in your hood, anonymous style! Are you game? Of course, you are!
Let’s get started.
Introducing, “Little Secret Love Notes” (a family tradition). Push Play.
I’d love to see you in action so if inspired snap a photo or two and please share it with me, so we can see how you’re spreading love in your community. YAY!
I hope you have as much fun as I do every year! Enjoy!
Big Hugs + Super Love, :)gia
P.S. If you want me to personally let you know when the next episode is ready, I’ve got you. You can sign up right over here.
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/13-Little-Love-Notes-feature-.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-02-14 21:59:002020-02-18 22:02:27Episode 13. Little Hidden Notes of Love // Wanna Play?
In this episode, I want to share a story with you a story that I wrote that didn’t end up in the final draft of my book, Get Your Heart On simply because I just didn’t have enough room for all of them, but it’s definitely one that I think you will enjoy.
It’s a story about connection, with a stranger and it’s called, “Between the Seats.” Push play to listen in as I reflect back on a day that still gives me goosebumps and I hope that it will mean something to you too.
For the stars and reviews and for sharing with your friends
For being a part of my big-hearted community. Join here!
If we haven’t met yet, please, say hello! I can’t wait to meet you!
Big Hugs, :)gia
P.S. If you want me to personally let you know when the next episode is ready, I’ve got you. You can sign up right over here.
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/12-Between-seats-feature-.jpg12002100Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-02-09 01:03:142020-02-09 01:16:01Episode 12. Between the Seats // A Story
Have you been hustling hard and you’re feeling kinda spent? Is it time for a break-cation? I feel you. I hear you and I’m gonna help you out.
This episode is all about the REFUEL.
Tune in to find out how I know when it’s time for me to pause. Plus I’ll share a few of my favorite ways I like to rest and refuel, so I’m ready to get back to doing what I love…helping people who want to help people. And so you can do the same!
Say it with me now, Buh-bye Go Go Go-land! Hello – Refreshed and ready to go!
What about you? Do you have a favorite way you like to refuel? Please share in the comments below.
And whatever you do, don’t forget to join my big-hearted community. I can’t wait to meet you!
Big Hugs, :)gia
P.S. And don’t be shy, say hi! Email // (hello(at)giaduke(dot)com. Facebook FB // Instagram DM – Talk soon!
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/10-Refuel-Aloe-feature-.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-01-25 00:00:002020-01-25 07:02:21Episode 10. Time for a break-cation? Do this.
“When you can start giving to someone else and caring for someone else, it’s just wonderful, nothing else compares to giving. …especially how I do, to someone that can never repay you. And you’re not doing something to get something. You’re just doing something from your heart. That’s the essence of kindness to me.” – Paul Crowell
In this Spotlight feature, I can’t tell you how beyond excited I am for you to meet today’s more than inspiring, guest.
….you know when you just saw the best movie ever or you have that favorite book you read and you want to run around and tell everyone about it. Today’s guest, Paul Crowell is my favorite right now and has been since I first heard his story.
As an extremely passionate animal lover and rescue advocate, there’s nothing I love more than anyone who wants to help our furry friends. So when I first heard about Paul and what he was doing to help pets of the homeless I literally started telling anyone and everyone about him and his gigantic heart. And I’m hoping after today’s episode he’ll be one of your favorites too!
Paul is the founder of the nonprofit, Project Open Paw that is dedicated to feeding and taking care of the furry companions of the homeless in San Francisco where he lives.
He has also been featured in stories and on the news, he is a gofundmehero and was the recipient of The Jefferson Award of The Bay Area in 2018.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, go somewhere cozy, kickback and push play. This is a longer episode but it’s so worth it. There’s so much inspiration, helpful advice, and wisdom for those with a big heart. It’s all about how one person can make an invaluable difference in the lives of others and what we can do to help.
Getting to know Paul – What he does and why he does it – So many inspiring stories!
How Project Open Paw got started + what’s needed to keep it going.
Using social media for good + storytelling + creating connection with the homeless community he serves.
How becoming a gofundme hero doubled his impact + what specifically we can do to help! – So many ideas! So many ways to pitch in! (see below)
And you’ll want to stay to the end to find out Paul’s #1 tip for anyone that wants to do make a difference in their own way. As well as who has made a difference to Paul in his life. – Thank you Paul!
In every Spotlight episode, I’m going to ask my guest if there’s one way we can collectively Get Our Hearts On to help them to help someone or pay it forward right now.
PRESS! Who knows Ellen? Let’s let her know ALL about Paul!
Let’s help Project Open Paw by spreading the word!
All you gotta do is click on thislinkto start by liking The Project Open Paw FB Page and Get Your Heart On however you are inspired to do so! If you know someone who could do more or you have ANY ideas for Paul please comment below or reach out to either one of us to let us know. Thank you so much!! We couldn’t do this without you!
And a big thank you to the SFSPCA – The vet hospital that Paul trusts + loves! We’re so grateful for all of you!
Paul, Thank you for spending your invaluable time with us! Big hugs + so much love to you all that you continue to do. And thank you to everyone who’s here with us!
I hope you are even more inspired to get that big heart of yours out there and into action!
So much Gratitude, : ) gia
P.S. Make sure to hit SUBSCRIBE on Apple podcasts or wherever you like to listen to your podcasts. And if you want me to also personally let you know when a new episode comes out all you have to do is sign up right here and I’ve got you!
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/09-Paul-feature-.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-01-18 22:35:002020-01-20 07:00:3909. Spotlight : with Paul Crowell // The Dog Food Man
In this episode, I thought it was important to talk about what’s happening in the world with current events as they relate to the Get Your Heart On community, specifically the bushfires in Australia.
As a group of big-hearted people who care about others…
We see the stats and hear the numbers, we see the pictures of all the animals being killed and the massive flames burning out of control. And it can feel so overwhelming like there’s no end in sight.
What do you do, when you don’t know what to do?
My goal with this episode is to help give you some direction and to share ideas of what you can do to pitch in no matter how much time or money you have and no matter where you live.
Push play to hear 6 ways that you can help with the wildfires in Australia, right now. All organizations and campaigns mentioned are listed and linked below.
#1 Educate #2 Share + Spread the word #3 Support + Cheer On #4 Donate // Money or Time #5 Help Raise Funds #6 Take Care of Yourself + Find Hope in the Headlines
Sydney Opera House tribute to firefighters – image credit via
Adelaide & Hills Koala Rescue-SA Bush fire Koalas – link
RSPCA – Help for Australia Bushfire Victims – by Paul Crowell – link
https://www.facebook.com/cwrescue/posts/10162637466965063?tn=-RTo Knit Nests or help w/supplies and shipping costs via the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue’s campaign – read the story via The Charlotte Observer Or to sponsor postage send an email to waterfowlrescue@aol.com.
Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and check out the organizations and causes that stood out to you most. I know they’re so grateful for however you can support them an the work they are doing.
Much Love, :)gia
To make sure you don’t miss any episodes you can click here to Subscribe in ITunes. And if you want to help me spread the word I’d be so grateful if you left me a review over on Apple Podcasts via iTunes, as well.
Thank you so much!
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/08-Australia-feature-.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-01-11 04:26:002020-01-14 19:46:24Episode 08. Australia Is On Fire // 6 Ways You Can Help
In this short episode, I wanted to fill you in on something that’s happened in my life recently that’s been really, really hard. The Real stuff I promised to share with you along the way. Plus I’ll let you know 3 things I’m grateful for right now, in this exact moment. And I’d love to hear from you too!
Here it is…push play to listen.
Email Me at hello@giaduke(dot)com and let me know.
Send me a note on FB or IG or leave a comment below.
Lots of love your way, :)gia
P.S. If you want me to personally let you know when the next episode is ready, I’ve got you. You can sign up right over here.
https://giaduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/1.jpg6001050Gia Dukehttps://giaduke.com//wp-content/uploads/2018/06/website-logo.pngGia Duke2020-01-04 00:00:002020-01-04 06:54:17Episode 07. THE REAL // Plus 3 Things I'm Grateful For Right Now