If you were standing in front of me, I’d give you a big hug, ‘cuz I’m a super hugger. And even if you pulled away a little, or let your arms hang stiff by your sides, I’d still wrap my arms around you for a quick squeeze. And then I’d ask you what drives you, what inspires you, and what makes you feel alive. Most importantly, I’d ask you what kind of difference you want to make in the world and how I can help.

Lemme introduce myself… I’m gia.

I’m an author, podcaster and speaker with a heart 10x the size of Texas, so some have said. Not to mention a life coach, nonprofit founder, and foster youth and rescue pup advocate. (Oh, and a night owl, rain lover, and super giggler hee-hee.)

To top it off, I wrote a book called, Get your Heart On: The How-To Guide for People Who Want to Make a Difference. Want a copy? Grab yours here.

In a nutshell, I help people, who want to help people, take action to make a difference in the world. Damn straight.

I coach, teach, speak, and run classes, workshops and superfun in-person live events and retreats. Can you say treehouse getaways, airstream adventures, and animal rescue give-back missions?! Oh yeah baby, I’ll save you a seat!

I’m also the podcast host of the Get Your Heart On ® The  Show! (You wanna tune in right?)

And when I need break : You guessed it, headphones on, tunes turned up : Gettin’ my boogie on! 3.2.1. HIT IT! I dig spending quality time and having great conversations with people who make my heart smile and especially those I can laugh and be silly with.

Most days you can find me zipped up in my fav hoodie, sippin’ on a mocha, working and creating in a coffee shop or my home office with my rescue pups, Huck + Sami by my side. Aren’t they the cutest? Got a furry friend? Share with me on IG I wanna see!

My goal is to inspire people to think about how we’re all connected and to remind them that most of us really want the same things. To love and be loved. To feel like we matter. I’m on a mission to brighten the world by creating more love, compassion, and understanding. Teaching empathy is how I make it happen. Helping big-hearted badasses is how I get it done.

Now it’s your turn. You’re up!

Introduce yourself…come on over and say hello!



  1. I got my first camera when I was eight and I’ve been taking photos and recording memories ever since.
  2. I’ve been making bucket lists before they even had a name. You know… get a horse, be on T.V., marry Jed ;). One day, I wanna ride across country on a motorcycle. And perfect an Australian accent: G’day Mate!
  3. I was hit by a car when I was 12. Saw my life flash by as I flew up onto the hood. Safe to say I learned at an early age to go after what I want.
  4. I heart road trips, takin’ my sweet time. I’m a journey girl it’s so not about the destination — windows down, music up, and big fat smile on my face.
  5. A few mad skillz: I’m a starter. Planner. Organization geek. An idea junkie. Tag makin’, name slingin’, creative girl. A futurist — who knew there was such a thing? My best ideas come to me in the shower — ah ha!
  6. While learning to kayak solo, I had a scary swim and was too afraid to even get back in the river for years. Decided to face my fear with a 21 day Outward Bound mountain/river course. Say What?!
  7. When I grow up I wanna create an inspiring theatre production about foster care — YES! And produce my own on the road give-back TV show — You’d watch it right?!


  1. Always on me: Toothbrush + mini paste — Say CHEESE!
  2. 3 Seconds of Fame: Being on an episode of The Real World – Aloha edition!
  3. Fav Adventure: Skydiving with my mom for Mother’s Day — Hells Yeah!
  4. Celebrity Girl Crush: SNL’s Kate McKinnon — Swoon.
  5. Bizarre Love: I will be the last one standing with a home phone landline — Bbrrring! I’ll get it!
  6. Guilty Pleasure: Boy Bands Baby! I’m a teeny bopper at heart — I know, I know, not really a shocker.


I miss my mom’s voice.
I regret not taking better care of myself while she was losing her memory.
I wish I could make other people stop hurting.
I think bullies need more love.
I believe we all have the capacity to care more.
I truly believe hugs heal.
I know empathy and love are my sweet spots.


Gia Duke is on a mission to brighten the world through creating more love, compassion and understanding.

A passionate advocate for nonprofit and charity work, Gia has raised both awareness and funds, secured grants for and founded a nonprofit for foster youth, and served on the board of the Humane Society. She has raised tens of thousands of dollars and contributed hundreds of hours to causes in her community and across the globe ranging from cancer and burn survivors to mentorship programs and aid for Africa. In 2006, she was the recipient of the Profits with Principles Giving-Back Award from The Body Shop At Home.

A certified coach through The Life Coach School and a graduate of the Martha Beck Life Coach training program, Gia is serious about helping people take action to make a difference in the world. She works alongside big-hearted women and men who want to get clear on what matters most and generate the guts to go after it. From pinpointing their cause to finding the people and organizations that need them, Gia helps her clients go from big idea to execution (and everything in between), by creating a solid plan and keeping the momentum until they soar across the finish line. She offers coaching, speaking, online programs, in-person workshops, retreats and live events.

A Puget Sound native, Gia currently lives in the heart of the mountains in Truckee, California. If she’s not at home, you might find her on a road trip with her husband, son and rescue pups Sami and Huck in their VW van, lovingly named Rust-ell. She thinks farm life might be coming up next.

She was also the founder and director of Re:mix Foster Youth program. You can check out the pre-program vision here and this awesome video with the youth after.

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